Good game, but the real-time arena matchmaking is TERRIBLE 24/3/27

Everything in the game is great, except for the real-time arena matchmaking, which even if you’re just starting the game with a new account you’ll get bombarded with enemy comps that have units with a million extra chances and giant AoE damage attacks. They don’t even bother to try to balance real-time arena by banning certain disgustingly overpowered units (like Estark, Anlucia, Hellfire Prince Psaro, etc.). I’m only giving this a 1-star review in the hopes that the company will read this and take my suggestion to ban certain units from real-time arena in order to make it easier for new players to get hooked on the game, but real-time arena in its current state will drive away new players with its horrible matchmaking and disgustingly overpowered units, and people NEED to play real-time arena in order to get a good chunk of shop rewards to help them make good progress on their account. Good game otherwise, but real-time arena is in need of a major makeover.
