Not worth a download 24/9/21

The main stages are too easy, I’ve finished about 200 of them and I have yet to come across a stage I couldn’t complete with mindless wiping. There are only 3 rarities for characters, ranging from one star to three stars, you can very easily get a bunch of three star characters and have no reason left to pull the gachas except for collecting characters for fun. There’s a “rank” system but you don’t get anything for ranking up. The voices are so quiet that even at max settings they’re completely drowned out if you’re listening to anything in the background. There’s no original story. There are a few ways to make your characters stronger but there’s no point since all the main stages are way too easy. The event stages either go up in difficulty exponentially or don’t give out hearts as rewards meaning you’re stuck needing to double your stats every game or waiting for hearts so you can try progressing to more difficult levels. I kept playing in the hopes it’ll get more interesting as I like the anime, but it seems that’ll never happen. There’s also a paid subscription they keep advertising despite the game being of laughable quality. Nothing hit a shameless money grab. Very disappointed.
