Cut extra money 24/6/23

I bought the boost spell with 160¥. But, my credit card got cut 2000¥. Not just one time. It’s about 5 times. First, I didn’t notice. Recently, I only bought 160¥ spell but got cut exactly 2000¥. That week, I only use my credit card on this game. May be this game cut a lot of service fees. Although the spell is cheap like 160¥, cut a lot more. After discovering this, now I can actually cut off COC now. Thank you for lying me and cutting my credit card such much money. Now , I can have more valuable time not addicted to COC anymore. I hate such scammers of money. I bought the spell with money because I love this game and wanted to support the creators. But, you lied and I don’t want to play this game anymore. Bye.
