コナミエフェクト 23/7/28

まじでイーフトに変わってやり始めたけど、コナミエフェクトのせいで全然楽しめん 毎回アプデでバグ修正しとるのになんで、コナミエフェクト修正せんの? ガチャは、申し分ないほど、神選手とかなのに試合がまじで楽しめん! efootballは、いつからガチャゲーになったの? Really, I started playing after the change to efootball, but I can't enjoy it at all because of the Konami Effects. Why don't they fix the konami effect when they fix bugs in every update? The games are really unenjoyable, even though there are some godly players in the gacha! Since when did efootball become a gacha game?
