Disappointed… 23/8/2

As much as I love Roblox and it’s fanbase, i can’t say the same for the moderation. I was recently banned for 7 days for using an American slang term “ong” which means “On God” which is mostly used while agreeing with someone’s opinion on something. I’ve sent an appeal and I got responded with “The account status will not be adjusted”. If this is what Roblox is turning into, then I would just turn off the chat box to avoid any unnecessary bans. I mean, it’s not a bad thing and it could be taken out of context but if you simply explain then they could possibly change their mind about it. Roblox’s Customer service is not at all what I thought it would be. It is extremely bad how they can ban you for a long time for a very little term. Along with unnecessary bans, I was also banned for another 7 days before this incident for saying “Ben frank” referring to Benjamin Franklin, the inventor. This is not at all okay in my own opinion. I have gotten bans that were entirely my fault but this is unacceptable. Let’s talk about the voice chat moderations… this one is not AS bad but it shouldn’t be taken literally, I said to my sister “I don’t shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up”. See this has been a joke for about a year now and no one uses it as a literal comeback in arguing anymore. But when my sister got a warning for her Voice Chat the same day, it was for swearing. I don’t get how any of this is fair to me. Now my point is, be careful what you say because it could result into unfair and unnecessary bans for an unfair amount of time.
