2024/08/24 JST: The game is fun, but I've never seen any other game crush so frequently.
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2024/8/16 JST: The previous version is much more user-friendly, I think. For example, (1)As there is not a caption, it's very unclear what is where. (2)The clan space is strangely and unnecessarily large to who don't use clan functions much. (3)I can't understand why you don't place "infinity war","honor hunt","hero trial", etc. on a right side free space. ---------- ---------- ---------- 2024/02/16 JST This kind of phenomenon has never occurred with other apps. ---------- ---------- ---------- 〈Recovery process about very short network outage is terrible〉 2023/02/11 JST Sorry, I can't read the developer's answer. (maybe Russian?) ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/12/04 JST It sucks that the reconnection to the AoW server doesn't work properly even though the browser is back. ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/10/03 JST the battle result pop-up pauses: it appeared from previous version and very stressful and irritating. ---------- ---------- ---------- Sorry for misunderstanding Daily tasks count multiple field, so consolidated to one word “闘技場” is fine. Sorry for my misunderstanding. ———————————— "闘技場” is used both arena and stage in daily tasks. I recommend stage as “ステージ”. thanks.
2024/8/16 JST: The previous version is much more user-friendly, I think. For example, (1)As there is not a caption, it's very unclear what is where. (2)The clan space is strangely and unnecessarily large to who don't use clan functions much. (3)I can't understand why you don't place "infinity war","honor hunt","hero trial", etc. on a right side free space.
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2024/02/16 JST This kind of phenomenon has never occurred with other apps. ---------- ---------- ---------- 〈Recovery process about very short network outage is terrible〉 2023/02/11 JST Sorry, I can't read the developer's answer. (maybe Russian?) ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/12/04 JST It sucks that the reconnection to the AoW server doesn't work properly even though the browser is back. ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/10/03 JST the battle result pop-up pauses: it appeared from previous version and very stressful and irritating. ---------- ---------- ---------- Sorry for misunderstanding Daily tasks count multiple field, so consolidated to one word “闘技場” is fine. Sorry for my misunderstanding. ———————————— "闘技場” is used both arena and stage in daily tasks. I recommend stage as “ステージ”. thanks.
2024/02/16 JST This kind of phenomenon has never occurred with other apps.
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〈Recovery process about very short network outage is terrible〉
2023/02/11 JST
Sorry, I can't read the developer's answer. (maybe Russian?) ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/12/04 JST It sucks that the reconnection to the AoW server doesn't work properly even though the browser is back. ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/10/03 JST the battle result pop-up pauses: it appeared from previous version and very stressful and irritating. ---------- ---------- ---------- Sorry for misunderstanding Daily tasks count multiple field, so consolidated to one word “闘技場” is fine. Sorry for my misunderstanding. ———————————— "闘技場” is used both arena and stage in daily tasks. I recommend stage as “ステージ”. thanks.
ミッションから募集キャンプに飛ばない。 なのに、他にそこにいく方法がない。 報告したのに対応しない。 最低
Art of War 本部にご連絡いただきありがとうございます。お手伝いさせていただき光栄です。
これで、Mystic Store の設定ボタン内、Magic Dust Wheel と Heroes' Camp の隣に新兵募集キャンプが見つかります。
2023/02/11 JST Sorry, I can't read the developer's answer. (maybe Russian?)
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2022/12/04 JST It sucks that the reconnection to the AoW server doesn't work properly even though the browser is back. ---------- ---------- ---------- 2022/10/03 JST the battle result pop-up pauses: it appeared from previous version and very stressful and irritating. ---------- ---------- ---------- Sorry for misunderstanding Daily tasks count multiple field, so consolidated to one word “闘技場” is fine. Sorry for my misunderstanding. ———————————— "闘技場” is used both arena and stage in daily tasks. I recommend stage as “ステージ”. thanks.
同じアイテムでも課金額がAndroidとiosで異なる。iosユーザーは不利です。 例えばAndroidでは200円の商品が、iosでは320円します。 何故この状況が放置されているのか分かりません。運営者は問題だと認識していないのでしょうか?
「為替レートはAppleとGoogleが設定するものであり、弊社が設定するものではありません。 ゲームについてもっと知りたい、経験を共有したいという方は、私たちのFacebookとDiscord(ゲーム内の設定を開く - サポート - フォローする)にご参加ください。」
2022/12/04 JST
It sucks that the reconnection to the AoW server doesn't work properly even though the browser is back.
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2022/10/03 JST the battle result pop-up pauses: it appeared from previous version and very stressful and irritating.
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Sorry for misunderstanding Daily tasks count multiple field, so consolidated to one word “闘技場” is fine. Sorry for my misunderstanding.
"闘技場” is used both arena and stage in daily tasks. I recommend stage as “ステージ”. thanks.
課金アイテムを購入したのですが、アイテムは届かないのにお金だけ請求されました。 ゲームをしていると突然出てくるセールアイテムを買ってみたのですが、購入したはずのアイテムがありません。 購入アイテムは兵士自選パック 【当方環境iPhone11 】・兵士を選択 →・4.99ドル(610円)購入→ ・フェイスID認証でクレカ購入 →・支払いが完了しました。と出る。 → ・ゲーム画面に戻ると購入が出来ませんでした。と出る。→・アイテムは届かず 。→なんで購入出来ないんだ?と思って9回購入を繰り返しました。 バグで購入出来ないのかな?と思っていたら、後でAppleから9回分の請求だけ来ました。 ゲームをやってる人なら分かると思いますが、そのアイテムは購入限度が2回のはずなのに9回分の請求が来てる時点で・・・。
あまりにも大きく、セレネなどかなりの課金が必要なヒーローが強すぎて、他のレジェンドヒーローでは戦力差が20万あっても勝てません。 もう少し差を少なくしてくれると、もっと楽しめるのに残念です。
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