Unfortunately very flawed game 23/4/10

The game is fine at lower levels. However when you play at higher levels (from superstar) the many flaws start to appear making the experience quite bad. Indeed the opponents AI plays way more aggressively which forces you to play faster, almost one touch. This is tricky because: - the players movements are too slow. It take way too long for your own players to control the ball, move and start speeding. - your teammates AI is lacking - the difference in term of abilities between players isn’t showing at all (a Mexican defender with 60 in speed and acceleration was faster than Mbappé!!). This is ludicrous knowing that one of the aim is to collect stronger players cards (and therefore players with stronger abilities). - the ball tends to bounce back in the opposite team foot all too often - some moments in the game feel “scripted” and it is almost impossible to stop the momentum of your opponent Lastly there is something that is missing constantly in this game: the fun! In their will to make a challenging game, the developers forgot that it is just a game!
