If you’re not a lucky person, Avoid this gacha game. 23/7/13

Try other gacha games instead and you’ll feel better about your life. While other games trying to buy players heart and make players want to put money into it. This game is trying to force players to put money into it and destroy their mental in return. The only good thing about this game is it is a Fate franchise. Without this it is one of bad gacha game in today standard. What is the point of being gacha game that most people playing care about getting characters they want when most of characters are limited and the rate are very low with a lot of CEs that cut the rate even lower make it too hard to get characters you want if you’re not that lucky person that always get SSR every pickup with free gem. Even worse you need some characters to win the late game stages. For me this is not a good gacha game at all.
