Out of touch with the community 23/4/10

Niantic continues to shoot itself in the foot by making major changes to the way the game is played that don't match what the community wants or needs. Nearly doubling the price of remote raid passes. Nerfing weekly rewards and item boxes to the point of being insulting. Continually pushing features without actually testing them and having New Zealand or Asia Pacific countries basically beta test everything. Introducing wild legendaries through incense that are nearly impossible to catch so that after 50 failures you just don't care anymore. The list is literally too long to list here. If Niantic would actually play their game, interact with the community and see what the experience is like for both city and rural players alike, and just focus on keeping things fun; instead of forcing their "vision" on the player base and being greedy with "inflation". Well, I think that would result in less people being upset and frustrated and even leaving the game altogether.
