Totally wasting life to play the game 23/8/4

The game is full with discrimination to people who live in rural areas or sub-urban. You will rarely see any of pocket stops or gyms in rural. You can’t even find any of monsters appear in rural. When you open the game, you can only see your character standing on the empty map like a stupid. Who the fk want to download a game like this to make you feel you are be treat in discrimination for just reason of living in rural? The game is only for those “city boys/girls”. If you don’t live in those place like downtowns or capitals, don’t waste your life to download and play this GOD d a m n sux game. You just waste your life. —————————————————————————— Second, the pvp match is also another fking idiot things in the game. You will always be pair to the opponents who are dominant to your d a m n weak little monster. Sometimes you may get lucky to have a win to the pvp. But the rate to win won’t be more than 30% no matter what monsters you use. You then will be frustrated on the pvp and feel like why you want to be stupid to get someone you don’t know and win you unfairly. Therefore, if you are new and considering to download the game, please stop and find some game else. Otherwise, you will find you’re playing like a stupid wasting time in the game after couple hours playing. Find something else to do will way better than play this game.
