中華… 23/9/24

これ、本当にいいゲームなんですよ。いろんな人のいろんなワールドでいろんなプレイスタイルで遊べる。でもですね、一つだけ酷いところがあるんですよ。そう、中国人と韓国人です。そりゃ良い人もいますよ。でも最近の処理水問題だとかでピリピリしてんのかわからないですけど集団でいじめてきたり課金の力を乱用してゲームをプレイ不可能にしてきたりチートを使って来たりetc…てなわけで、運営さん。中国人とか韓国人とかを完全に別のサーバーに移してください。本当はこいつらのせいで星0にしたいですけどできないので星1にしました。人権問題とか無視して良いです。あれはもはや人とは言えない。修正待ってます。 Under is English translate by DeepL ———————————————————————— This is a really good game. It can be played by many different people in many different worlds and with many different play styles. But, you know, there is one bad part. Yes, Chinese and Koreans. Of course, there are good people. But I don't know if they're just nervous because of the recent water treatment problem or what, but they bully you in groups, abuse the power of payment to make the game unplayable, use cheats, and so on... So, Mr. Management, I'm sorry to say that the Chinese and the Koreans are completely different from the rest of the servers. Please move the Chinese and Koreans to a completely different server. I really want to give 0 stars because of these people, but I can't, so I gave them 1 star. You can ignore human rights issues and such. Those are no longer people. I'm waiting for the fix.
